Ripples from the Center

Sharing a Little Poetry, Art, Beauty & Heart

a little wit, wisdom & whimsy to enlighten you on your way...

Copyright 2012. Original poetry, art, writing & photography by Julie SuZaNNe BröKKeN

Saturday, May 26, 2012


 photo credit:  Mark Fischer

MAGIC happened last Thursday evening @ Fixed & Free Poetry Open Mic with  Don McIver & moi as the feature poets @ THE SOURCE for Creating Sacredness.  Event photos by Mark Fischer... thanks so much Mark.  Thanks to all y'all passionate poetry peopleness who came, read, listened, supported, shared in the good juju... ate cookies!  Special thanks to you, Billy Brown, for the GF-DF-SF cookies... they're all gone... and for all you do to keep the poetry rippling!

Billy Brown

Elaine Schwartz              Susan Paquet

Bob Warren

Merimee Moffitt

Patrick Houlihan

Dee Cohen

John Ashbaugh

Piera Payne (sp?), Stewart Warren, Teresa Gallion

Bruce Noll

Nate Maxson

Don McIver

Brooke von Blomberg at far right... Hi Brooke!

The spirit of Georgia  O'Keeffe was present...


Reading "Rose Petals, Pale Ones"...

reading "17 Breaths, 17 Haiku" 

reading "Truth, Says the White Deer"

reading Bosque Dreaming: Fox Medicine  

reading "Flower Moon"...

curling her slender fullness
into the Flower Moon 
folding Beauty into Bliss
she gathers nirvana
in a delicate calligraphy of legs
dabs Truth between her eyes

so sweet  the Light
White Deer's desire to know it
to dip her lithe pink tongue
into Moonflower's Cup       
effuse deliriant ~ pure white ink
a kiss upon Datura's Sacred face

so effortlessly fleet her Transcendence
luminous spark of grace on her heels
no fleurish ~ no tracks
to follow up the indigo trail
leaping into enlightenment      
now here now there quantum magic  

too curious to taste with my tongue too
I put on Datura's Sacred Moonflower mask
spill myself into her pool of dreams
follow her dance into the illuminating alchemy of night
I leap to kiss White Deer's sacred face
drown inside her full Flower Moon

See what I mean?  The spirit of Georgia  O'Keeffe was present... in her painted images, in my photo, in the blossoms of the Sacred Datura opening up behind the stage as night fell... in my poem, Flower Moon, and in the Sacred Datura photos I took by flashlight after everyone left...  MAGIC!

Namasté Georgia...
Namasté Sacred Datura ❤

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


scribbling West Wind's words
high desert grasses argue ~
purple, green or gold?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pretty Pink Ways: Apache Plume in Bloom

I hope y'all enjoy my first little "SILENT MOVIE"... link below... (sans sound until I fix kinks per recent hard drive replacement)  My intent is to share a more fluid, meditative format for these little photo-poetic journeys...   

Know that it was overcast, 4-ish in the afternoon, temp about 67, the smell of rain on a fickle breeze ~whipping up and settling back down again ~ the gentle rumbling promises of thunder from the south...

As I visited some of my neighborhood botanical friends yesterday ~ along a beloved narrow wildish patch of earth in-between the well-groomed neighborhood park and a concreted section of South Domingo Baca Arroyo ~ I found myself noticing subtle differences from scrub to scrub... this Apache Plume's feathery seed heads are a bit pinker, that one has redder rachis-like veins, larger this or smaller that, more pronounced texture, softer... softer... so soft!  Pink fluff everywhere...  lulling me into restfulness.  Sweet little pillows for a busy mind, an afternoon snack for a beetle, a ladybug, a few ants...

I said "hi" to the Four-Wing Saltbushes, the Coyote Willows, too...  I have a strong resonance with this particular trio of beings.  When I moved here I felt more drawn to the pines on the greenside of these pink Sandias.  Now I feel more attached to these high desert beauties, the Rio Grande, her bosques, the Three Sisters Volcanoes and their pink twilight...

I love living in-between pink!


About Me

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States