Ripples from the Center

Sharing a Little Poetry, Art, Beauty & Heart

a little wit, wisdom & whimsy to enlighten you on your way...

Copyright 2012. Original poetry, art, writing & photography by Julie SuZaNNe BröKKeN

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


my breath 
that was rapt away
by this surprise of scarlet revelations

will it return
if I gather up this unexpected beauty
these poignant leavings

reddish quills and precious plumes
spotted downy fluff
black tipped tail feathers

wings un fanned       vermilion       unattached

Scarlet Revelations is inspired, in part, by this tanka by Õkuma Kotomichi

, LATE TOKUGAWA PERIOD, Japan (C. 1770–1867).

My heart that was rapt away by the wild cherry blossoms - will it return to my body when they scatter?"

Scarlet Revelations

my breath 
that is rapt away
by this surprise of scarlet revelations
will it return 
if I gather up this unexpected beauty
these poignant leavings
reddish quills and precious plumes
spotted downy fluff
black tipped tail feathers
wings un fanned       vermilion       unattached
my breath
that was rapt away
by this surprise of scarlet revelations
will it return 
if I gather thoughts of yesterday s flicker
attention rapt by tasty winter ants
unearthed inside their little winter hillock
beneath snowy shadows
and the unexpected beauty
of a hawk descending
sharp eyes       swift talons       precise beak
realizing her own carnelian insights
red flicker belly blood and bones 
breathless still?

my breath
that was rapt away
by this surprise of scarlet revelations
will it return tomorrow
if I gather to watch the unexpected beauty
of a hawk landing
on tomorrow s naked branches
looking for tomorrow s red 
to fill her belly again
as she rapts me away
my own beating blood belly bone thoughts
breathless again?

photo credit: Roy Hancliff, Barcroft Media

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Fox Medicine in the Bosque

Bosque Dreaming: Fox Medicine

december gently leaves the bosque
taking directions from the rio grande
a silent consonant of geese

january steps down the pinon staircase
from her sandia house
follows Fox into the bosque

finds traveling on foot is good here
well-padded shoes
a crust of snow
cushion of leaf litter
fallen twigs embossing brittle bosque braille
into nomadic feet

Fox medicine is good traveling medicine

invisible as the round conversation
between oxygen and carbon
inside their dance of breathing quietude
rambling between cottonwood willow thickets
brushing against exposed skin
catching a wing of winter scarf
halting frozen attention
untangling into deep breath medicine

murmuring gypsy siren songs
across lapping shallows and sandbars
dancing out into the rio
teasing minnows
hypnotizing cranes
licking intention medicine

cunning in cunning s swift sly shy little Fox beauty way medicine

silent as night owl
playing with mice
a wise glint of silliness
in her fine sharp eyes
fancy dancing
with the beautiful red bird pulsing
inside her delicately ribbed cage medicine

pointing pert precise pretty Fox nose
pink tongue fine teeth efficient mouth
singing gypsy river Fox songs
walking on water like a crisp leaf
with dragonfly wings
courting cold current medicine

can you see how Fox s red bird pulses
leaps into the river of my own wrist medicine?

how Fox nips fresh wishes from my winter pink lips
runs away with my january tongue
leaves me holding her lively red bird
cupped in my own red medicine hands
red as mouse blood
ripe berry stains
red flame in my crystalline eyes
warm fire in my sated gypsy belly medicine?

no hunger breathing here
save for more of this       more       of this
fine little shapeshifter medicine
teaching oneness
how to be a tree
how to climb one
how to be its shadow
how to adopt the burrow beneath it
if only for one red traveling january night
how to blithely crawl inside
how to sleep awake
licking my own lucid bliss-bloodied gypsy paws! 

Namasté Little Gray Fox
and thank you!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Through the Coyote Willows 

I took myself on a long walk beside the Rio Grande yesterday, or rather, 'Big Me' took 'Little Me' on a walk --if'n ya know what I mean. While 'Mini-Me' was not feeling the usual joy and wonder I experience in nature, Beauty joined us anyway.  In sync with Grace, the day revealed the perfect image for my mood...  a passageway through the coyote willows to the river... a passageway through some old layers of lonesome blues into luscious light and levity...

And the LiGHT at the END of the PaSSaGeWaY? 
...was an iNCoMiNG CRaNe!  GRiN!...
Photo by Jim Caffrey

Oh dear hearts!  How I love the way Life & Spirit play with me!  
Beauty in all things dear hearts!  XoXo, Julie
Original poetry, art, writing & photography by Julie SuZaNNe BroKKeN
Copyright 2012 (unless otherwise noted)


About Me

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States