October 24th... pre-sunset
in the South Domingo Baca Arroyo
embraced by this quietly charismatic
community of chamisa...
and again on November 1st...
a poem is in progress... there is much to learn about chamisa!
... the chamisa of the rabbit bush variety (Four-Wing Saltbush is
also called chamisa.) Chamisa is so much more charming than Ericameria nauseosa, rubber rabbitbrush, gray rabbitbrush... and rabbit bush, which I like, too. In
American Spanish, it is also spelled chamiza,
chamizo, from Spanish meaning brushwood,
kindling, from Portuguese or Galician chamiça, from chama flame, from
Latin flamma
Perhaps that is more than you want to know about Chamisa,
but I am a curiouser & curiouser Alice... and follow many a curious thought
under the chamisa and down it's rabbit holes, digging deeper if the hole isn't
satisflyingly deep enough. Yes, a
misspelling, but I like how it embellishes my meaning... satisFLYingly! Falling, flying... sometimes tis the same thing, no?
Chamisa is also a surname, a given name, and a flower
essence remedy... all with meanings the have resonance. To be continued... xoxo, julie, de losChamisas