Ripples from the Center

Sharing a Little Poetry, Art, Beauty & Heart

a little wit, wisdom & whimsy to enlighten you on your way...

Copyright 2012. Original poetry, art, writing & photography by Julie SuZaNNe BröKKeN

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kama in Red

Kāma in Red: Goddess of Relationships

Kāma in Red: Goddess of Relationships is an assemblage composed of my original handmade watercolor gouache paper doll goddess, milagros of a mermaid, two men, a woman, glass heart bead, vintage fabrics, pieces of red glass, gold pins, partial picture frame, ripped and controlled burn wood,  small battery powered lights,  and a hidden paper Hindu angel.  34"x15"x6".  Available for your collection.  Please inquire.

"Kāma (SanskritPaliDevanagari: काम) is often translated from Sanskrit as sexual desire, sexual pleasure, sensual gratification, sexual fulfillment, or eros, but can more broadly mean desire, wish, passion, longing, pleasure of the senses, the aesthetic enjoyment of life, affection, or love, without sexual connotations."  Wikipedia.

You choose.  GRiN!  As Georgia O'Keeffe said, "We all bring ourselves to the work."

But seriously, or not... this piece was conceived (very funny, Julie) of as a self-portrait as a goddess whilst I was teaching an art class at the Phoenix Art Museum in tandem with an exhibit, Art of the Himalayas: Treasures from Tibetan and Nepalese.  Art is another way of calling in the goddess...  we can all get "a little help from our friends' in the non-physical realms.  Namaste!

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States