Ripples from the Center

Sharing a Little Poetry, Art, Beauty & Heart

a little wit, wisdom & whimsy to enlighten you on your way...

Copyright 2012. Original poetry, art, writing & photography by Julie SuZaNNe BröKKeN

Thursday, March 29, 2012


mossy turn of phrase
calligraphy in sticks stones
ephemeral bones

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


March Meditation

a small white candle
placed on an old silver tray
set down on the bedroom floor
a wooden match       a strike       a flame
sage       sweet grass       smoke
seed pods like rattles       shaken
a bit of dry moss
a flight feather found
twenty years ago       on a beach
after watching an osprey
dive into Puget Sound       catch a fish
labor it away
trailing droplets
of blood and water blessings
this feather brushing skin       
in the cold of night
full moon light
a re-found piece of butterfly wing
a hummingbird nest        
after a summer storm
tossed its pebble-sized babe
a small tin cup      enameled white
filled with fresh water
from the bathroom sink
a flower with white petals
from the kitchen table
from the grocery store
from a neighbor friend
to sprinkle
March blessings
on skin
a thought
a prayer
a sweet desire
a soft pillow
warm blankets
whistling wind
quiet bed
just breathing

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

FouR RiPPLeTTes...

NEWS ITEM #1: My "Ripple Compassion" poem is having a ripple effect!

La Bloga


On the road for banned books. On-Line Floricanto.

Road Report: Heading for a Librotraficante Meet-Up

by Julie Brokken
Julie SuZaNNe BröKKeN is an artist-poet.  She offers her poem, "Smuggle Compassion" as a gift from the heart, free to any and all who want to read it, print it, pass it forward profusely that we may all be the love and compassion that creates the best kind of change... click link for full text

NEWS ITEM #2My haiku complimented by painting by Willis and calligraphy by Evans to make a haiga...

What: Illustrated Haiku poems about Albuquerque’s Open Space program
When: March 6th – April 29th, Opening Reception April 7th 3-5pm
Where: The Open Space Visitor Center, Albuquerque, NM

A Good Place to Stumble Upon is a collection of illustrated Haiku poems submitted by local Albuquerque poets for a special exhibition at the City of Albuquerque Open Space Visitor Center.  These poems capture the essence, wonder, and intellect of the landscapes of the City’s Major Public Open Space.  First, the poets submitted their work to the review committee.  After selection, the imagery complimenting the poems was added as a secondary project.  The application of  imagery to the poems changes the Haiku poems to "Haiga." 

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Smuggle Compassion

for Librotraficante, and more especially for all our beautiful children everywhere! (Written in response to the banning of books in Arizona and in response to the fear that fuels such actions.)  

* Please feel free to make as many copies as you like and distribute them profusely with love!  Be the love that creates the best kind of change!

smuggle books
         if you must
but with them smuggle compassion
sneak it into your own heart
tuck it between each page
         if you must
dry your tears     
soothe your fears
bare your chest show a breast
bribe the border guards with it
         if you must      
smuggle your heart right out in the open
into the hearts lives souls of others
wear it on your soft sleeve
make your heart an open book
take a page from the wisdom of the ages
         if you must
with patience grasshopper
fellow feeling      
in grace go
with a glad smile's healing tears
a new river is flowing
from these wet books

Julie SuZaNNe BröKKeN, March 2012


About Me

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States